Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Thing 15: Digg

As I've progressed through these exercises, I've realized how out of touch I had become with what's new and cool on the Internet! I gathered from the video that Digg started out as a social network for technology buffs, but has morphed into a social news site with general information about a variety of topics. The first Digg that caught my eye was on the $400 million dollar club which is about movies that have broken the $400 million dollar barrier. The interesting thing to me was when I clicked on "Digg" I had 2 options-I could sign up for a Digg account OR I could use a Facebook account. I decided to create my own Digg account because this seems like a good source of information that has been somewhat "filtered" down by users. It's very cool that I have the ability to add friends and see what they have been "digging"-this should make for some interesting conversations! It was said in the video that Digg is self-policing and that replicated or old outdated content may be "buried"-this sounds like a fun way for users to take ownership in Digg! I found it quite interesting that it wasn't just the number of "diggs" that would propel something to the top "digg" page, but the velocity was also taken into account! I've added Digg as a bookmark which I can now put on Delicious to access from any computer!

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